Sacred Heart

Eternal Blue Flame of Will and the Flower of Life

Blue Flame Flower of Life Heart

The restoration of the heart, and the original human blueprint is upon us. Exalting the Sacred Divine Feminine, and the prophecy of bringing balance to our realm through all Sacred Divine Feminine beings is tantamount. Please note that this doesn’t only mean humans for there are scores of intelligence amongst us that we’re devoid of experiencing due to linear consciousness known as Duality Consconsciousness. This is a clarion call to all the women here to make change by being the undeniable profound presence that they were in antiquity, and still are today.

So much has been done to undermine, and overshadow the contributions that women make to restore balance in all walks of life. is dedicated to elevating the Sacred Divine Feminine, and achieving equilibrium: of Sacred Divine Feminine and Sacred Divine Masculine acuity. This is done through different levels of initiation, and alchemy to transmute base metals to gold. The ultimate fiat we must traverse is communing with the Divine Spark (the Higher Self).

Also note that men have the Divine Masculine, and Divine Feminine within them as well. Unfortunately it tends to be suppressed due to false credos of egomaniacal, and narcissistic behavior of the western world. The machismo lends total credence to taking control opposed to achieving equilibrium within that would allow cohesive union with the Sacred Divine Feminine. Thus the reason for the upheavals in the world.

#SacredDivineFeminine #AuthenticSelf #SacredDivineFeminineProphecy #HeartDevotion #Empath/Feeler