Welcome to the initiatory level of GatewayGeometries.com. This Mystery School is dedicated to the empaths/feelers upon Mother’s realm that are seeking guidance reconnecting with Spirit. The disconnect from spirit is the reason why the ego dominates the linear dualistic world. In the west the predominate motivation is centered around self and egomaniacal means. In this momentous time of planetary ascension we are faced with observing the whole of humanity as a collective without selfish endeavors of the few. Due to these pioneering motivations we are coerced to come together, and support our own intentions.
The initial step before working with sacred geometry is honing one’s empathic abilities. So many empaths/feelers believe that being a feeler is a gift, and a curse. This is highly untrue. The unfortunate debacle of this view of perception is generally based on not having someone to explain their empathic abilities in their youth. Usually empaths/feelers are born in households where no one can understand their super sensitivities to emotions, and different currents upon Mother’s realm that they interact.
A decade ago I was visiting a Tibetan Buddhist monastery where I met this young lady who happened to be an empath/feeler. She asked to sit at the table I was sitting, and I obliged her to do so. She began sharing with me that she wanted to go away for college, but her parents feared that wasn’t a good idea because she was too sensitive. Immediately I knew intuitively that her parents’ couldn’t understand her empathic abilities, and were projecting their fears upon their daughter. I sought permission from the young lady’s mother to assist her with differentiating her current from everything she was feeling. Her mother gave me permission to assist. I walked to the center of the room, and grabbed my clear quartz crystal sphere from the table. I put my arm around the young lady’s shoulder, and counted backwards from 3 to 1. Afterwards the current from my sacred geometrical sphere infused her aura, and allowed this young lady to feel her own dynamic current. She began to cry from a state of bliss, and thanked me continuously for assisting her with her equilibrium.
Two distinct things were happening with this young lady that must be mentioned for utmost clarity. Many times empaths/feelers are picking up the emotions, and currents from around the circumference of their environments. Also it’s impossible to seek support, or solace of people who ignorantly hold others in their evolution. Please give me a moment t to explain. By no means am I saying that the young lady’s parents weren’t good parents. Many times parents project their fears upon their children inadvertently without them being aware that they are doing so. Ten years ago much wasn’t known about empaths/feelers, and what to do to educate these individuals who had these incredibly adept subtle bodies.
GatewayGeometries.com specializes in mastering one’s empathic abilities, preparing the individual for an in depth understanding of clearing, and keen clarity of what a multidimensional reality truly means. Please join me for this spectacular initiatory level of GatewayGeometries.com’s Mystery School. Here you will receive the Opening of the Heart Chakra and Empath/Feeler 101 & Multidimensional Clearing to commence the journey of mastery for the empaths/feelers. This is the prerequisite for Tier I. of the Mystery School before the Apprenticeship Grade. Please fill out an application for the Heart Chakra Intensive Retreat so our journey together can commence. You have my heart and total devotion with your journey as a guide.