
The Sacred Divine Feminine in Her Glory.

The Sacred Divine Feminine in Her Glory.

Our world has dealt with many calamities of the last five years. The goal of GatewayGeometries.com is exalting the Sacred Divine Feminine from these subservient, suppressive, objectifying, and oppressive roles inflicted by heinous imbalanced ego maniacal ways of the western world.

It’s important to glorify equilibrium in all. Unfortunately how can one find balance fighting the other aspect of itself? The union of the Sacred Divine Masculine, and Sacred Divine Feminine are prevalent within GatewayGerometries.com's Mystery School. One’s evolution is perpetual, and accelerated due to the times that we are currently experiencing known as Planetary Ascension.

No matter how beautiful we are we must all deal with emotional trauma. Emotional trauma fogs the lens of how we perceive the world. Eradicating and chiseling away at one’s emotional trauma creates the beautiful vessel for recocognized awareness. Afterwards spirit can take the helm fulfilling its mission upon this realm: evolution, transcending dualistic consciousness, and planetary ascension.

There has been a false hierarchy where men want to exalt themselves over woman. This is pompous buffoonery, archaic, ignorant & absurd. The path of mastery aligns one with being connected with Spirit and all things. This state of being alleviates selfish egomaniacal attributes, and transforms one into a selfless powerful being.

#GatewayGeometries #SacredGeometry #MysterySchool #FlowerofLife #Meditation #Devotee #UnityConsciousness #Empath #Feeler
